Residual stress can significantly affect engineering properties of materials and structural components, notably fatigue life, dimensional stability, corrosion resistance etc. Such effects usually lead to considerable expenditures in repairs and restoration of parts, equipment and structures. For that reason, the residual stress analysis is a compulsory stage in the design of structural elements and in the estimation of their reliability under real service conditions.
Although certain progress has been achieved in the development of the techniques of residual stress management, a considerable effort is still required to develop efficient and cost-effective methods of residual stress analysis as well as technologies for the beneficial redistribution of residual stresses.
A number of advanced engineering tools were recently developed for efficient residual stress management, fatigue assessment and optimization of parts and welded elements.
Advanced Technology & Equipment for Ultrasonic Peening of Parts & Welded Elements
Ultrasonic Computerized Complex for Residual and Applied Stress Measurement
Expert System for Fatigue Assessment and Optimization of Welded Elements
2004 Paper on RSM
Info on RSM
PowerPoint Presentation on RSM