Is a comparatively recent and promising technology that is based on the use of High Power Ultrasound (HPU). In most industrial applications, HPU involves power levels of hundreds to thousands of watts, and ultrasonic systems are operating in the frequency ranges from 15 kHz to 100 kHz with typical amplitudes range from about 10 to 40 microns.
The development of the Ultrasonic Peening (UP) technology was a logical continuation of the work done before directed on the investigation and further development of known before techniques for surface plastic deformation such as shot peening and hammer peening. During the different stages of its development the UP process was also known as “ultrasonic treatment” (UT), “ultrasonic impact technique/technology/treatment” (UIT) and ultrasonic impact peening (UIP)
See the historical review on UP in IIW Document XIII – 2010 – 04
The UP produces a number of beneficial effects in metals and alloys. Foremost among these is increasing the resistance of materials to surface-related failures, such as fatigue and stress corrosion cracking. One of the promising ways of industrial application of UP is the post-weld treatment of welded elements and structures. The results of fatigue testing showed that the UP is the most efficient and economical technique for fatigue life improvement of welded elements and structures as compared to the existing improvement treatments such as grinding, TIG-dressing, shot peening, hammer peening etc.
The UP technology is considered a leading technology in the application of High Power Ultrasound (HPU) for fatigue life improvement of parts and welded elements because of the following factors:
A number of research projects were completed to optimize the UP process and to find the efficiency of UP for different applications such as the increasing of the fatigue life of welded elements, eliminating of distortions caused by welding and other technological processes, residual stress relieving, increasing of the hardness of materials. At present time, we can perform the UP of materials, parts and real structures as a service by ourselves or to provide the equipment for UP.
Advantages of UP:
Ultrasonic Peening: Areas of Application
Referenced Documents
Info on UP Info on UP 2005
UP History, Technology & Equipment IIW Document XIII – 2010 – 04
Rehabilitation & Repair by UP IIW-2076-05