- Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment, Proceedings of the joint ISMSE 15 / ICPMSE 13 Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings, open access, (in press).
- Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment, Proceedings of the 11th International Space Conference, ICPMSE-11, Ed. J. I. Kleiman, Springer, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, v.47, 2017.
- Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment, Proceedings of the 10th International Space Conference, ICPMSE-10J, Eds. J. I. Kleiman, M. Tagawa and Y. Kimoto, Springer, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, v.32, 2013.
- Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment, Proceedings of the 9th International Space Conference, ICPMSE-9, Ed. J. I. Kleiman, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1087, Melville, New York, 2009.
- Space Technology Proceedings, Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment, Proceedings of the 7th International Space Conference, ICPMSE-7, Ed. J. I. Kleiman, Springer, Space Technology Proceedings, v6, 2006.
- Space Technology Proceedings, Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment, Proceedings of the 6th International Space Conference, ICPMSE-6, Eds. J. I. Kleiman and Z. A. Iskanderova, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2003.
- Proceedings, Materials in a Space Environment, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium, and Protection of Materials and Structures from the LEO Space Environment, Proceedings of the 5th International Space Conference, ICPMSE-5, Organizers: J. Kleiman and E. Werling: Arcachon, France (June 5-9 2000).
- Space Technology Proceedings, Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment, Proceedings of the 4th International Space Conference, ICPMSE-4, Eds. J. I. Kleiman and R. C. Tennyson, Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001.
- Space Technology Proceedings, Protection of Materials and Structures from the Low Earth Orbit Space Environment, Proceedings of the 3rd International Space Conference, ICPMSE-3, Eds. J. I. Kleiman and R. C. Tennyson, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.
Papers in Proceedings
- Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Materials in a Space Environment and 5th International Conference on Protection of Materials and Structures from the LEO Space Environment, European Space Agency, 2000.
Jacob I. Kleiman and Z. A. Iskanderova. Technological Aspects of Protection of Polymers and Carbon-Based Materials in Space.
- Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova, B. A. Banks, K. K. de Groh, E. A. Sechkar. Prediction and measurement of the atomic oxygen erosion yield of polymers in low earth orbital flight.
- lskanderova, J. Kleiman, Y. Gudimenko, D. W. Morison, R. C. Tennyson. Surface modification of polymeric materials by ion implantation for protection in LEO.
– Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Materials In Space Environment, European Space Agency, 1997.
Yurii Gudimenko, Zelina lskanderova, Jacob I. Kleiman, Grant Cool, Don Morison and Roderick Tennyson. Erosion protection of polymer materials in space, p. 403.
- lskanderova, J.I. Kleiman, Y. Gudimenko, G. Cool, and R.C. Tennyson. Development of a model of polymer interaction with fast Atomic Oxygen, p. 195.
- I. Kleiman and Y. Gudimenko. Reduced glare, high diffuse reflectance Teflon surfaces for improved performance of video cameras on Canadian MSS for SS Alpha, p. 419.
O.V. Startsev, V.V. Issoupov, E.F. Nikishin. Diagnostics of the Micrometeorite Protection Structures for LEO Space Stations from the Results of In-flight Experiments
Y. Gudimenko, R. Ng, J. Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova, A. Grigorevskiy, L. Kiseleva, D. Edwards, M. Finckenor, Enhancement of Surface Durability and Stability of Conductive and Non-Conductive Paints in Space Environment, MRS 2004 Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. (Nov. 29-Dec. 2, 2004).
- Iskanderova, J. Kleiman, R. Ng, Y. Gudimenko, D.A. Kaute, Preventive Surface Treatment of Silicone Materials for Outgassing and Contamination Reduction in Space Application, MRS 2004 Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. (Nov. 29-Dec. 2, 2004).
- Kirischian, V. Guerkov, I. Terterian, J. Kleiman, Self-Restoration as SEU Protection Mechanism for Re-Configurable On-Board Computing Platforms, 7th International Conference on “Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment”, Toronto, Canada. (May 10-13, 2004).
- Gudimenko, R. Ng, J. Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova, A. Grigorevskiy, D. Edwards, M. Finckenor, Improving the Space Stability of Electro-Conductive Paints, 7th International Conference on “Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment”, Toronto, Canada. (May 10-13, 2004).
- Iskanderova, J. Kleiman, R. Ng, Y. Gudimenko, D.A. Kaute, Surface Treatment and Stability of Space-Qualified Silicones, 7th International Conference on “Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment”, Toronto, Canada. (May 10-13, 2004).
- Shaburov, J. Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova, Modeling of Space Environmental Effects in Spacecraft Design and surface Properties Monitoring, 7th International Conference on “Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment”, Toronto, Canada. (May 10-13, 2004).
- Kleiman, S. Horodetsky, V. Sergeev, Y. Gudimenko, Atomic Oxygen Sources: New Developments, 7th International Conference on “Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment”, Toronto, Canada. (May 10-13, 2004).
Other Publications
- Gudimenko, R. Ng, J. I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, R. C. Tennyson, P. C. Hughes, Surface Modification of Polymer-based Materials to Enhance their Resistance to Highly Aggressive Oxidative Environments. In: K. L. Mittal (Ed.), Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion. ISBN: 90-6764-403-X. VSP, Utrecht, Boston, 2004 Vol. 3, pg. 325-340.
- Gudimenko, R. Ng, J. I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, D. Milligan, R. C. Tennyson, P C. Hughes, Enhancement of Space Durability of Materials and external Components Through Surface Modification, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 41, No. 3, pg. 326-334, 2004.
- Kleiman, Y. Gudimenko, Z. A. Iskanderova, A. Grigorevski, M. Finckenor, D. Edwards, Simulated Space Environment Exposure of Surface-modified Thermal Control Coatings. Proc. of the 42nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, AIAA-2004-1258, January 2004.
- H. C. P. McCall, A. A. Clark, A. J. Clark, J. I. Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova, B. Briskman, E. Klinshpont, Y. Shavarin, A Unified Space Environment Effects Database for Russian and North American Organic and Inorganic Materials.In: J. I. Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova (Eds.), Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment.Space Technology Proc. ISBN: 1-4020-1690-5, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 5, pg. 139-154, 2003.
- Litovsky, J. I. Kleiman, N. Menn, Effect of Space Gaseous Environment on the Thermophysical Properties of Materials and Structures. In: J. I. Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova (Eds.), Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment.Space Technology Proc. ISBN: 1-4020-1690-5, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 5, pg. 245-255, 2003.
- Gudimenko, R. Ng, J. I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, D. Milligan, R. C. Tennyson, P C. Hughes, PhotosilTM Surface Modification Treatment of Polymer-based Space Materials and External Space Components.In: J. I. Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova (Eds.), Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment.Space Technology Proc. ISBN: 1-4020-1690-5, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 5, pg. 419-434, 2003.
- Francke, B. Fritsche, A. Moc, R. B. Heimann, Z. A. Iskanderova, J. I. Kleiman, Development of Protective and Passive Thermal Control Coatings on Carbon-based Composite Materials for Application in Space.In: J. I. Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova (Eds.), Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment.Space Technology Proc. ISBN: 1-4020-1690-5, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 5, pg. 451-460, 2003.
- I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, D. Talas, M. van Eesbeek, R. C. Tennyson, Development and Verification of a Predictive Model and Engineering Software Guide for Durability Evaluation of Polymer-based Materials in LEO.In: J. I. Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova (Eds.), Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment.Space Technology Proc. ISBN: 1-4020-1690-5, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 5, pg. 515-525, 2003.
- Issoupov, V. Viel-Inguimbert, M. Dinguirard, P. Demont, C. Lacabanne, O.V. Startsev, E.F. Nikishin, Combined Effect of Thermal and Mechanical Stresses on the Viscoelastic Properties of a Composite Material for Space Structures, Proceedings of the 6th International Space Conference Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment.Space Technology Proc. ISBN: 1-4020-1690-5, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.
O.V. Startsev, D.A. Khristoforov, V.V. Issoupov, E.F. Nikishin, A.F. Rumyantsev, Irreversible Shrinkage Effects of Carbon Fibers in Polymer Matrix Composites Exposed to the “MIR” Space Environment. Proceedings of the 6th International Space Conference Protection of Materials and Structures from Space Environment. Space Technology Proc. ISBN: 1-4020-1690-5, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
- Issoupov, A.S. Krotov, O.V. Startsev, E.F. Nikishin, V. Viel-Inguimbert, M. Dinguirard, C. Lacabanne, Water Transport in Synthetic Polymers.In: A.L. Iordanskii, O.V. Startsev, G.E. Zaikov (Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, ISBN: 1-59033-886-3, 2003.
- Gudimenko, R. Ng, J. I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, R. C. Tennyson, P C. Hughes, D. Milligan, A. Grigorevskiy, M. Shuiskiy, L. Kiseleva, D. Edwards, M. Finckenor, Enhancement of Surface Durability of Space Materials and Structures in LEO Environment. Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Materials in a Space Environment, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pg. 95-106, 2003.
- Kleiman, Z. Iskanderova, Y. Gudimenko, S. Horodetsky, Atomic Oxygen Beam Sources: A Critical Review.Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Materials in a Space Environment, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pg. 313-324, 2003.
- Iskanderova, J. Kleiman, B. Mojazza, M. Sutton, Erosion Protection and Surface Conductivity Enhancement of TOR Polymers by ImplantexTM Technology.Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Materials in a Space Environment, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, pg. 473-478, 2003.
- Issoupov, V. Viel-Inguimbert, M. Dinguirard, O.V. Startsev, E.F. Nikishin. Predictive Model for Microcracking and Mechanical Properties of Polymer-Matrix Composite Materials for Space Applications. Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Materials in a Space Environment. Noordwijk, Netherlands, 2003.
- Balat-Pichelin, L. Bedra, V. Issoupov. Determination of the Chemical Energy Accommodation Coefficient bon Ceramic Materials at High Temperature Under Air Plasma Environment. Proc. of the 9th Int. Symp. on Materials in a Space Environment.Noordwijk, Netherlands, 2003.
- Issoupov, Ph. Demont, C. Lacabanne, O.V. Startsev, V. Viel, M. Dinguirard, Thermally Stimulated Creep (TSCr) Study of Viscoelastic Behaviour and Physical Ageing of a Polymeric Matrix Composite for Spacecraft Structures. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 85, No. 2, pg. 342-350, 2002.
- Issoupov, O.V. Startsev, A.S. Krotov, V. Viel, M. Dinguirard, Fine Effects in Epoxy Matrices of Polymer Composite Materials After Exposure to a Space Environment. Journal of Polymer Composites,Vol. 6, No. 2, pg. 123-131, 2002.
O.V. Startsev, V.V. Issoupov, E.F. Nikishin, Influence of Shielding Upon the Structure and Properties of Polymer Composite Materials Exposed on the Surface of “MIR” Orbital Complex. Proc. of the 4th International Space Conference on “Protection of MAterials and Structures from the LEO Space Environment”, Toronto 1998. ISBN: 0-7923-6981-5, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
- Issoupov, V. Viel, A.S. Krotov, O.V. Startsev, M. Dinguirard, C. Lacabanne,Surfaces State Assessment of Composite Materials Exposed at the “Mir” Station During the Aragatz Flight by Diffusion Analysis. Proc. of the Int. Conf. “International Scientific Co-operation onboard MIR”. Lyon, France, 2001.
- Issoupov, O.V. Startsev, V. Viel, M. Dinguirard, C. Lacabanne, E.F. Nikishin, Evaluation of the Mechanical and Erosion Resistance Qualities of Composite Materials Exposed to the LEO Space Environment. Proc. of the 46th SAMPE Int. Symp. “2001: A Materials and Processes Odyssey”.Long Beach, California, USA, 2001.
- Issoupov, Ph. Demont, C. Lacabanne, O.V. Startsev, V. Viel, M. Dinguirard, Evolution of the Micro-mechanical Properties upon Thermal Ageing of a Carbon/Epoxy Composite for the Space Industry. Proc. of the EUROMAT 2001 Int. Conf.Rimini, Italy, 2001.
- A. Iskanderova, J. Kleiman, Y. Gudimenko, R. C. Tennyson, W. Morison, Comparison of Surface Modification of Polymeric Materials for Protection from Severe Oxidative Environments Using Different Ion Sources, Surface and Coatings Technology, 127 (2000) 18-23.
V.V. Issoupov, O.V. Startsev. Operating Characteristics and Mechanical Performance of Modern Composite Materials for the Russian Space Industry. Proc. of the 9th European Conf. on Composite Materials (ECCM 9).Brighton, United Kingdom, 2000.
- Issoupov, O.V. Startsev, A. Paillous, V. Viel, J. Siffre, E.F. Nikishin. Generalized Conclusions Made on the Basis of In-flight and Ground-based Simulation Experiments. Proc. of the 8th Int. Symp. on Materials in a Space Envronment/5th Int. Conf. on Protection of Materials and Structures From the LEO Space Environment.Arcachon, France, 2000.
- I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova , Y. I. Gudimenko, W. D. Morison, and R. C. Tennyson, Polymers and Composites in the Low Earth Orbit Space Environment: Interaction and Protection, Canadian Aeronautic and Space Journal, 45, No.2, (June 1999) 148-160.
- A. Iskanderova, J. I. Kleiman, Yu. Gudimenko, A. Tkachenko, R. C. Tennyson, I. G. Brown, and O. P. Monteiro, Metal Ion Implantation and Dynamic Ion Mixing for Protection of High-Performance Polymers from Severe Oxidative Environment, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B 148 (1999) 1090-1096.
- I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, Y. I. Gudimenko, W. D. Morison and R. C. Tennyson. Polymers and Composites in the Low Earth Orbit Space Environment: Interaction and Protection, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, V. 45, N2, pg. 148, 1999.
O.V. Startsev, A. Paillous, V.V. Issoupov, A.S. Krotov, E.F. Nikishin. Fine Effects in Epoxy Binders of Polymer Composite Materials After Exposure to the Space Environment. Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-12). Paris, France, 1999.
- I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, and R. C. Tennyson, Ion Implantation Protects Surfaces, Advanced Materials and Processes (April 1998) No. 4, pg. 26-30.
- A. Iskanderova, J. I. Kleiman, W. D. Morison, and R. C. Tennyson, Erosion Resistance and Durability Improvement of Polymers and Composites in Space Environment by Ion Implantation, Mat. Chem. and Phys., Vol. 54 (1998) pg. 91-97.
- Kleiman, Surface Modification of Polymers Used in the Low Earth Orbit Space Environment, Metalized Plastics 5/6, Fundamental and Applied Science, ed. K. Mittal, (1998) 331-351.
O.V. Startsev, V.V. Issoupov, E.F. Nikishin, The Gradient of Mechanical Characteristics Across the Thickness of Composite Laminates After Exposure to a Low Earth Orbit Environment. Journal of Polymer Composites, February, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1998.
V.V. Issoupov. Methodology for Long-term Forecasting of the Physical Properties of Polymeric Materials in the LEO Space Environments of “Salyut” and “Mir” Orbital Stations. Collection of scientific articles “Physics, Radiophysics: New Generation in Science”. Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia, 1998.
- A. Iskanderova, J. I. Kleiman, Yu. Gudimenko, W. D. Morison, and R. C. Tennyson, Improvement of Oxidation and Erosion Resistance of Polymers and Composites in Space Environment by Ion Implantation, NIM B 127/128 (1997), pg. 702-709.
- A. Iskanderova, J. I. Kleiman, Y. Gudimenko, G. R. Cool, R.C. Tennyson, Computer Simulation and Experimental Studies of Ion Implantation in Polymers for Erosion Resistance Improvement. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Computer Modelling of Electronic and Atomic Processes in Solids,Wroclaw, Poland, May 20-23, 1996, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.289.
- I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, Yu. Gudimenko, R. C. Tennyson, V. Lemberg, Software Engineering Guide Development for Prediction of Erosion of Polymer Materials in Space Environment, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Computer Modelling of Electronic and Atomic Processes in Solids, Wroclaw, Poland, May 20-23, 1996, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p.277.
O.V. Startsev, V.V. Issoupov, E.D. Sortiyakov, E.F. Nikishin. Acoustic Spectrometry of Polymeric Composite Materials Exposed to Outer Space. Proc. of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conf. “Experimental Methods in Physics of Heterogeneous Condensed Media”. Barnaul, Russia, 1996.
O.V. Startsev, E.F. Nikishin, V.V. Issoupov. Investigation of the Moisture Diffusion Properties of Glass and Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics Exposed to LEO Space Environments. Proc. of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conf. “Experimental Methods in Physics of Heterogeneous Condensed Media”. Barnaul, Russia, 1996.
- A. lskanderova, J. I. Kleiman, Yu. Gudimenko and R. C. Tennyson. Influence of Content and Structure of Hydrocarbon Polymers on Erosion by Atomic Oxygen, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, V. 35, p. 878, 1995
- I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, F. J. Perez, R. C. Tennyson, Protective Coatings for LEO Environments in Spacecraft Applications, Surface and Coatings Technology, 76-77 ( 1995) 827-834.
- I. Kleiman, Y. Gudimenko, Z. A. Iskanderova, R. C. Tennyson, W. D. Morison, N. S. McIntyre, R. Davidson, Surface Structure and Properties of Polymers Irradiated with Hyperthermal Atomic Oxygen, Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 20 (1995) pg. 335-341.
- I. Kleiman, Z. A. Iskanderova, Y. Gudimenko, R. C. Tennyson, Potential Application of Hyperthermal Atomic Oxygen for Treatment of Materials and Structures, Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 20 (1995) pg. 289-298.