Collaboration and Testing Options in Space Materials and Environments

  • 1. LEO, GEO, and Luna  environments  simulating  ground-based accelerated  Space Materials  and structural  components  testing:
    short – , medium – and long- term space equivalent testing in Space Environments Simulation Facilities – Space Simulators. – By customer requests
  • 2. Joint collaborative research, technologies developments and materials durability evaluation, using:
  • a) Testing the space materials sensitivity to AO – O-plasma screening test
  • b) Fast Atomic Oxygen (FAO beam) facility, to perform most reliable and close to LEO space materials exposure to fast atomic oxygen with energy around E=5 eV
  • c) Space Radiation (electrons and protons + UV) exposure in an appropriate energy range of p+ and e-, alternating or simultaneously, in GEO simulating space environment and in the Moon space environment. ITL being able to explore various testing options (in collaboration) in simulated GEO Moon space environment
  • 3.  Advanced ground-based high-vacuum Lunar Dust Simulator at ITL – various Lunar dust simulants, mare and highland, can be used for interaction and testing experiments with space materials and structures – joint collaborative research studies and testing Programs options can be performed by customers request in regard of Moon exploration

Numerous testing jobs have been successfully performed by ITL in O-plasma facility and LEO and GEO Simulators, mentioned above, in collaboration with NASA and ESA, as well as Russian space professionals, and by customer requests. Comparative testing and performance evaluation in O-plasma and LEO Simulators was performed, for instance, for more than 65 USA, European, and Russian space flown materials. Various testing studies have been done and continue to be done at ITL for the development and confirmation on new space environments protective technologies.

Ground-based vacuum Lunar dust simulators for space materials testing

ITL has done Lunar dust simulants accumulation and retention evaluation at testing sensitive external space materials and structural components collected worldwide, as well as Lunar dust influence on surface properties, and performed lunar dust mitigation studies, starting from 2013.



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Units 7-9, 80 Esna Park Dr.

Markham, Ontario
L3R 2R7

Units 10-11,2650 John Street

Markham, Ontario
L3R 3W1