Surface Texturing

SurfTexTM is a texturing surface modification process developed to provide a matt finish and reduced specularity to mirror like surfaces of many polymers coated on the back with metallic reflecting coatings.

After SurfTexTM treatment surfaces change from metallic-like and shiny to complete milky-white, without significantly affecting the thermal optical properties.

This process is based on ion-beam texturing which substantially alters the surface morphology of materials in a controlled manner. The surface texturing process significantly increases the diffuse reflection of the treated material without significantly changing its mechanical and thermal optical properties.

It was originally developed to reduce glare and specular reflection of silver-backed FEP Teflon, used as thermal protector (solar reflector/thermal emitter) for electronic equipment in space, in order to improve the performance of the video cameras on the Mobile Servicing Station of the International Space Station. Such textured surfaces may find applications for different cooling or heating systems or as solar diffusers.

This product was applied to cameras and lights on the International Space Station and did not change its appearance during multi-year exposure to LEO space environment (see pictures below)

roll of back-metallized Teflon Film after treatment

Shown is a roll of back-metallized Teflon Film after
treatment with the SurfTex process using an ion-beam of  Xenon.

Coins put in front of
an original back-metallized Teflon sample (left)
and after it was treated with
the SurfTex process (right).

Camera surface covered with textured back-metallized Teflon

Camera surface covered with textured back-metallized Teflon as installed on the Canadarm on the ISS (above) and brought back after space exposure (below)




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